[Clinical Nutrition]
Which one of the following amino acids is involved in the production of thyroid hormone?
[Nutrition Science]
Which of the following vitamin is also known as a Prohormone?
[Nutrition Care Process]
Which of the following vitamin deficiency can cause Angular Stomatitis?
[Community Nutrition]
Which one of the following mineral supplementation prevent diarrhea among children?
[Community Nutrition]
Which one of the following vitamin deficiency state is also known as 4D disease?
[Clinical Nutrition]
A 70-year-old male with COPD comes to clinical dietitian with complain of weightloss. He complains that he is unable to finish his one time meal at any time of the day. His dietary intake is becoming less as he feels full while eating. He does not take liquids with meals and takes rest before eating. which one of the following is the cause of his reduced dietary intake.
[Food Science]
Which one of the following term is defined as the process of swelling of starch granules when heated along with water and increase the viscosity of solution?
[Community Nutrition]
Which one of the following condition occurs mainly due to protein deficiency?
[Nutrition Science]
Which one of the following nutrient is a preffered fuel for heart muscle?
[Catering Management]
Which one of the following is the type of menu that includes two or more food choices in each menu category?
[Community Nutrition]
Which one of the following dietary assessment methods need to consider seasonal variation?
[Nutrition Science]
According to Hamvi formaula, which one of the following weight is the Ideal Body Weight of a male when he is 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 90 Kg?
[Food Habits]
Which one of the following foods is staple food of Pakistan?
[Nutrition Epidemiology]
Which one of the following determines the chronic malnutrition in the public health setting?
[Nutrition Throughout the life cycle]
Which one of the following caloric deficits is required in a week to lose one-pound weight per week?
[Med, bioch, pharm & psych aspects of human nutrition]
Which one of the following neurotransmitters influences the feeling of fullness during a meal, thereby causing a person to stop eating?
[Food Habits]
Which of the following diet is defined as a diet consisting of the proper quantities and proportions of foods needed to maintain health or growth?
[Nutrition Epidemiology]
Which one of the following indicates a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity?
[Food Science]
Which one of the following pigment is responsible for red color in cherries?
[Nutrition Epidemiology]
Which one of the following indicates "average number of years a person at a given age may be expected to live given current mortality rates"?
[Nutrition Science]
Which one of the following enzyme is first relased into its inactive form to protect the pancreatic tissues from self digestion?
[Nutrition Care Process]
Which of the following association developed International Dietetics and Nutrition Terminology (IDNT) for nutrition care process?
[Food Science]
Which one of the following methods restores the nutrient to near original levels which were lost during food processing?
[Nutrition Science]
Which of the following form of Vitamin K is produced by intestinal bacteria?
[Catering Management]
Which one of the following is defined as an incidence of foodborne illness that involves two or more people who ate a common food, which has been confirmed through laboratory analysis as the potential source?
[Community Nutrition]
Which one of the following programs provide take-home rations to malnourshed children and pregnant & lactating women?
[Nutrition Epidemiology]
In a survey of 1,150 women who gave birth in a city in 2000, a total of 468 reported taking a multivitamin at least 4 times a week during the month before becoming pregnant. Calculate the prevalence of frequent multivitamin use in this group per 100 population.
[Nutrition Science]
Which of the following mineral is responsible for reducing blood pressure?
[Med, bioch, pharm & psych aspects of human nutrition]
Which of the following protein is responsible for tightening, contraction & relaxing of muscle?
[Med, bioch, pharm & psych aspects of human nutrition]
Which one of the following terms is associated with painful swallowing?
[Med, bioch, pharm & psych aspects of human nutrition]
Which one of the following medicines can increase blood glucose levels in patients?
[Clinical Nutrition]
Mr. Z is diagnosed with Viral Hepititis A and he didn't recived any dietary counseling from a clinical dietitian. He is following a diet recommended by his family members and neighbours. He is consuming a diet based on only 1 cup clear broth (chicken) and Orange juice (1-2 cups) per day. He is suggested to starve as it will reduce the fever and weakness. Also, he takes a bread slice with milk at lunch and dinner and avoids fats and oils. Which one the following a positive aspect of his dietary strategies and can help him in the management of hepatitis ?
[Nutrition Throughout the life cycle]
An 8-year-old girl is referred to a nutrition clinic for her dietary management of celiac disease. Which one of the following food items will be completely excluded from her diet?
[Food Science]
Which one of following temperature is essential for carrying out enzymatic reaction?
[Food Habits]
Which one of the following is a deterrent to dietary adherence?
[Nutrition Throughout the life cycle]
A girl with severe weight loss shows up in nutrition clinic. Upon assessment it was revealed that she has unrealistic expectations related to weight. She was also involved in purging behavior and uses laxatives excessively. She is also amenorrheic for the past 4 months. What will be her diagnosis?
[Nutrition Epidemiology]
Which one of the following is defined as "the continuous usual presence of a disease or infectious agent in a given geographic area or population group"?
[Nutrition Care Process]
Mr. Y is admitted in ICU due to acute renal failure and lowered readings on Glasgow Coma Scale (drowsiness). He was later ventilated due to respiratory failure. Which one of the following equation is most appropriate for calculating his energy requirement?
[Nutrition Care Process]
Mr. C weighs 96kg. Which one of the following will be fluid requirements of Mr. C?
[Community Nutrition]
Which one of the following vitamin is being added in oils and ghee In Pakistan to prevent nutritional deficiencies ?
[Med, bioch, pharm & psych aspects of human nutrition]
Which one of the following terms is best defined as the breakdown of glycogen when blood glucose levels are low?
[Food Habits]
What is the approximate weight of a medium sized chapatti in grams?
[Food Science]
Which one of the following term is defined as the point at which a fat or oil gives off a thin bluish smoke?
[Clinical Nutrition]
Which one of the following dextrose water solution has the highest osmolarity in 1-liter solution?
[Nutrition Epidemiology]
According to CMAM guidelines, if a child has MUAC
[Community Nutrition]
Which one of the following determines the chronic malnution in the public health setting?
[Nutrition Care Process]
Which one of the following is the standardized term used to describe insufficient food intake?
[Food Science]
Which one of the following nutrients contributes to the characteristic flavor to food?
[Nutrition Care Process]
Mr. X is a clinical dietitian. He works at Primary Healthcare Centre in rural area of Sindh. He usually counsels 40 patients per day in his OPD. He has a patient in his clinic whose anthropometric measures show a case of morbid obesity. He wants to perform dietary assessment for which he has taken a 24-hours dietary recall. Which one of the following methods for calculating his energy intake is most appropriate in this scenario?
[Food Science]
Which one of the following term measures the degree of unsaturation in the oil and provides an estimate of total amount of unsaturated fatty acids?
[Nutrition Throughout the life cycle]
Which one of the following types of medications is used to increase milk production?
[Clinical Nutrition]
Mr. T is 45 years old man and weighs 55 kg. He is currently on PPN support. 160 gm dextrose is provided by the clinical dietitian in 2000 ml solution. His PPN has to be administered in 22 hours. Which one of the following is the dextrose infusion rate for 2000 ml solution?
[Nutrition Throughout the life cycle]
Which one of the following food items can be safely given to a 6-month-old child?
[Catering Management]
Which one of the following is defined as the running record of the balance on hand for each item of good in a store?
[Nutrition Throughout the life cycle]
Mr. X. is a 70-year-old man. He visits his physician for his muscular weakness. He is finding it difficult to walk and coordinate properly. He is having difficulty in concentrating on certain things. Upon taking history, the patient told that he has chronic GERD and takes antacids as medication regularly. Which of the following vitamin deficiencies might be causing this condition?
[Clinical Nutrition]
A 70 year old female was admitted in hospital due to water retention. She is a known patient of heart failure for 5 years. Her weight also increased upto 5 pounds since last visit. Upon her dietary assessment it was revealed that her dietary intake is not reduced, and she takes 5-6 meals per day (no fruit all day). However her intake of bakery items increased over a past few weeks. Her fluid intake is limited as directed by her physician. Which one of the following is the reason for her fluid retention in this scenario?
[Food Habits]
Mrs. T lives in Karachi and married in a Punjabi Speaking family and expecting a baby. Her Mother in Law has done some meal planning specially for her. Mrs. T is expected to consume more and more lassi and butter, as it is a practice in Punjab Province during pregnancy. Which of the following principle of meal planning is met in the above given scenario?
[Catering Management]
Which one of the following is the point or procedure in a specific food service system where loss of control may result in an unacceptable health risk?
[Med, bioch, pharm & psych aspects of human nutrition]
Which one of the following mechanisms defines aneurysm?
[Catering Management]
Which one of the following type of purchasing method requires written specification and specific quantities to be submitted to vendors with an invitation for them to quote prices?
[Clinical Nutrition]
Which one of the following term refers to nonspecific, persistent upper abdominal discomfort or pain?
[Nutrition Throughout the life cycle]
A 4-year-old girl with phenylketonuria visits nutrition clinic for her diet plan. Which one of the following food items she can easily include in her diet?
[Nutrition Throughout the life cycle]
Which one of the following minerals should be supplemented throughout pregnancy to reduce the risk of preeclampsia?
[Food Science]
Which one of the following compounds catalyzes hydrolytic rancidity in fats and oils?
[Med, bioch, pharm & psych aspects of human nutrition]
Which one of the following hormone levels in blood are increased in smoker COPD patients?
[Community Nutrition]
Which one of the following is the admission criteria for under-5 children in the CMAM stabilization centres?
[Food Science]
For estimaion of which of the following nutrients Kjeldahl Apparatus is used?
[Catering Management]
Which one of the following is a food service system in which food is prepared onsite, then chilled or frozen and stored for reheating at a later time?
[Catering Management]
Which one of the following is the food delivery Service system in which prepared foods are portioned and assembled for individual meals at a central area in or adjacent to the main kitchen?
[Nutrition Throughout the life cycle]
A 6-year-old girl has been diagnosed with lactose intolerance. Her symptoms are now resolved. Which of the following food items can be given initially to check for intolerance?
[Med, bioch, pharm & psych aspects of human nutrition]
Which one of the following compounds are present in peppermint that can be used to treat depression?
[Clinical Nutrition]
Mrs. ABC visits her dietitian and got a weigh loss diet plan 4 months ago. In the beginning 2 months, she was losing about 2-3 kg weight every month. However, since last two months she is unable to loose weight and her weight is constant at each follow-up visit. Which one of the following phenomena would have resulted in weight stagnation of Mrs. ABC ?
[Food Habits]
Mr. X is a labor, and his wife looks after the household chores. They are Afghan refugees residing in Karachi. They often face household food insecurity for weeks. In the light of above given scenario, which of the following principles Mrs. X would have to consider first?
[Nutrition Throughout the life cycle]
A 30-year-old female visited nutrition clinic after 6 months for her weight management follow-up. Her BMI is 28, reduced from previous one, which shows she followed weight management plan. Previously, her weight was 169 lbs., and she is 5 feet 2 inches tall. What is her current weight?
[Nutrition Care Process]
Which of the following condition can increase albumin levels in the blood?
[Nutrition Science]
A- 32 years old lady weighs 67 Kg and her height is 5 feet 5 inches. Which one of the following is her BMI ?
[Clinical Nutrition]
Which one of the following type of EN formula is most suitable for a patient suffering from Severe Diarrhea?
[Med, bioch, pharm & psych aspects of human nutrition]
Which one of the following is the most useful lab test to diagnose iron deficiency anemia in patients?
[Food Habits]
Which one of the following plant-based foods can be used as alternate source of protein by vegetarians?
[Nutrition Science]
250 gms of Chicken Biryani contains 25 gm protein, 45 gm CHO and 10 gm fats. What is the total energy content in Chicken Biryani?
[Community Nutrition]
Mr X with his family lives in area of Umerkot where an NGO recently came with supplies of food to be distributed among families. Now the family have left with food for two days. And has no idea what they will do after 2 days. Which one of the following pillars of food insecurity is obviously missing in this scenario?
[Nutrition Epidemiology]
Which one of the following is characterized by retarded growth, apathy, gastrointestinal irritability, depigmentation of hair, edema resulting in a swollen abdomen?
[Nutrition Care Process]
Which of the following tool includes physical examination and relies on dietitian’s interpretation?
[Nutrition Care Process]
You recommend to your client that he lower the amount of sodium in his diet and discuss which foods are sources of sodium. You and the client then go through his diet identify the foods that he is consuming that are high in sodium and generate a list of alternate foods that he is willing to substitute for high sodium foods. Which one of the following steps of Nutrition Care Process is being performed by you?
[Nutrition Epidemiology]
In an outbreak of gastroenteritis among attendees of a corporate picnic, 99 attendees ate potato salad, 30 of whom developed gastroenteritis. Calculate the attack rate of gastroenteritis among persons who attended picnic and ate potato salad.
[Catering Management]
which one of the following is an orderly plan for moving people into, through, and eventually out of the organization?
[Med, bioch, pharm & psych aspects of human nutrition]
Which one of the following Model of Eating Disorder emphasizes the function and symbolism of symptoms and the role of relationships developed in childhood?
[Nutrition Science]
Which one of the following term is used for vegetarians who consume all plant foods, dairy, eggs, and fish?
[Food Habits]
Which of the following personal values is reflected by regular consumption of traditional foods regardless of cost and effort involved?
[Nutrition Care Process]
A female patient comes to the nutrition clinic with a complaint of lethargy and poor appetite. You measure her weight and ask about her food intake. Which step of Nutrition care process are you performing?
[Community Nutrition]
Which one of the following vitamin supplementation is avoided during pregnancy at international level but encouraged in Pakistani population?
[Clinical Nutrition]
Which one of the following is usually precribed for the patients with rheumatoid arthritis?
[Food Habits]
Which one of the following foods are included in a typical Mediterranean diet?
[Catering Management]
Which one of the following is the disadvantage of assembly serve food service system?
[Nutrition Epidemiology]
Which one of the following is a derived anthropometric measurement?
[Nutrition Science]
Which of the following term indicates amount of energy needed to perform digestion, absorbion, metabolization, and storage of nutrients?
[Food Habits]
Mr. X is a Single, Muslim Pakistani Doctor working in USA as a Radiologist. He works 12-14 hours a day and later cooks himself dinner. He usually eats one proper meal i.e. only dinner ever since he migrated to the USA. While considering the above given scenario, which of the following factors was the most important factor in his meal pattern modification?
[Catering Management]
Which one of the following is the ideal temperature for storage of frozen products?
[Nutrition Epidemiology]
In 2003, 44,23 new cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) were reported in the United States. The estimated population at risk of the U.S. in 2003 was approximately 290,809. Calculate the incidence rate of AIDS in 2003 per 1000 population.
[Food Science]
Which one of the following is an example of water in oil emulsion?